"That's What You Do" (2024) - Editor/Colorist
"That's What You Do" (2024) - Editor/Colorist
"RUNNING BEHIND" (2023) - Writer/Director/DP/Editor
"RUNNING BEHIND" (2023) - Writer/Director/DP/Editor
"The Contract" (2022) - Director/DP/Editor
"The Contract" (2022) - Director/DP/Editor

Still from "That's what you do" (2024) - Editor/Colorist

Still from "That's what you do" (2024) - Editor/colorist

Still from "That's What You Do" (2024) - Editor/colorist

RUNNING BEHIND (2023) Student Short Film: Director/Writer/Editor/Director of Photography

Running Behind trailer (2023)

Still from Running Behind (2023)
Still from Running Behind (2023)

The Contract: Student Capstone short film (2022): Director/Editor/Director of Photography

Still from 'The Contract'
Still from 'The Contract'
Still from 'The Contract'
Still from 'The Contract'

Blood Couldn't Make Us Closer (2024) Student Documentary Short: Editor

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